Why thank you Mr Postman, what lovelies you have been bringing me! Which is good really because I am getting end of holiday/knackered washing machine/ restricted diet due to allergy testing fatigue. But I can't complain because honestly I've been very, very lucky.
Trashy put together a spring swap about and I received a parcel from the U.S- which is super exciting. My parcel came from Clara who sent such sweet springy treasure to brighten up our little home.

Thanks Clara and Trashy, I shall think of you both when I wash up, eat the contents of the sheep and storing treasure in the dear little knitted bag

Do you see the fab buttons? (goodness only knows where all these pictures will end up!)
Noodlebubble had the ace notion of doing a button hand on type affair and today I received the first of two packs of 20 buttons headed my way and these were from
Fibrespace. I love these and
thnk that the lovely baking lady ad the pie button are begging to go on a very cool
pinnie. Again thanks ladies.
Last but not least big thanks need to go to my Mum, for more things than I can list here but for today specifically thanks for this parcel of fabric, wool, thread, bead perfection. I mean get that print, who couldn't be cheered by that print?
So apart from being a tad grumpy I have been spending lots of time on 'the dress'- it is an absolute feat of sewy engineering turn this, flip this sew this fold this. It's more origami than frock....but it seems to still have a head hole and arm holes so it might still be wearable. I shall persevere and hopefully overcome, now that I am fortified by treasure, kind acts and dairy/wheat/gluten/egg/nut free cake.
Gorgeous swappage. Am ever so slightly disgusted you are eating sheep innards. Even if they are all the way from America!
Hope you work it out....all of it.
Nina xxxxxxxx
Not sure if I've mentioned before - we have the same table as you (on your blog header...assuming it's your table) ours has seed beads, glitter and rice caked into the grooves courtesy of noodleBubble Junior!