Magnificent Mittens

Magnificent Mittens and Socks- you’re not kidding! These are awesome! The mittens, oh how I love mittens, are styled like gauntlets leaving loads of potential for colour, pattern, flamboyance, fun! There are lots of possible combinations to make something really personalised and I love the way Anna Zilboorg the author, challenges that mittens have to match each other-even more potential for quirks. I cannot claim that I have grabbed for my double ended pins, I am not an experienced enough knitter on those- but I did reach immediately for the phone to call Mum and tell her to make sure she packs hers next time she comes to stay because I have to have a ‘pair’ of these beauties. There are very clear instructions at the beginning of the book and I wonder if I could manage it if I had a pot of tea, good light, radio 6 and a quiet house, if there is one thing that would persuade me to give knitting with double pins a serious go, these absolutely fantastic mittens would be it.
I also need to mention that Simon asked if boys could wear them-well yes, of course, but the socks are also pretty special- especially as they are adapted from the mitten patterns, I mean how cool is that? Also the very practical Anna, no really, the flair for design and colour is clearly based on an understanding of the need for cosy paws, is very clear about what materials and tension to use so that the extremities will be kept snug even when wet.