A little seedy
I wanted to contrast the crusty brown at the bottom of the fruit....with the glistening interior.
I finished up with a very simple bag, the interior is quilted satin with seed pearl pips, one side of the exterior is reverse applique with hand stiching and the other velvet with machine and hand stitch. The cord for the bag is machined sari silk couched on with the occasional bead. The closure for the bag is a pieced of the fruits dried skin drilled through and attached with beads.
I still have one more experimental piece to complete before I get going on to my final resolved work. I am currently looking at Anglo Saxon disc brooches. I am having a ball. I have been going through the process of looking for a new job and have now found one. Job hunting is hard on the soul so stitching has been more important than ever to provide an escape. I am also looking forward to a visit to the Knitting and Stitching show in a couple of weeks. Are you going up? How much money do you reckon will get spent!?
Amit lamba
Amit lamba