Yo-Yo stitching show

Look what I got from Prairie Homestead, this lovely lady was my bookmark swap recipient. I never expected a thank you present but what a lovely one! I can't wait to have a go and the idea looks like I might be able to adapt it for a bag dangle.
I also went to my local Embroiderers guild meeting on Saturday to hear Heidi Jenkins speak, what a lovely lady, and very clever! There were people selling vintage buttons; bliss, and I picked up some fluff and threads (which I won't show you because they might form part of my give away) and I signed up for a place on the trip to the Knitting and Stitching show.
Please do enter the giveaway if you haven't yet, it really is open to all and I haven't seen any family names pop up yet- go on go on. OOhhh and don't worry if you don't 'craft' if any of the senses you see here. If you write, cook, garden, photograph, doodle, whatever I can find a prize just for you! xxxxx


Daisie said…
oooh, knitting and stitching show, lucky you!! Have fun!!

Yo-yo's are really good, I make brooches with them and the girls like to help me draw the circles on the fabric but maybe Anna is a bit small yet.....

Gina said…
That yo yo decoration looks just the thing to do with my Young Embroiderers! I'm at the K & S show on the Friday.
JuliaB said…
what a lovely little bundle of fabrics. This has given me an idea for the TWO xmas swaps I have entered!! I must be mad!! xx
Jackie said…
K&S at Allie pally?
I go to see it in Harrogate but one day I'll trek to London for the BIG one.

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