What a busy weekend! My brother and his wife are staying with us to help take care of the kids whilst Will is doing awkward hours at school,
they also think they'll be having a little holiday....
hahahaha! For a while now Tom and
Nila have been
asking about a
wood in Kent with cool sculpture that they had read about in the Guardian and yesterday we finally got there! I am so glad we did, it was beautiful, loads of beetles with
iridescent tummies, two frogs and sculpture to stumble upon. We found the musical tulip and fed it water to make it sing, made spooky voices with it, and Will, being 4 bashed it
with a big stick! There were the most amazing
varieties of fungi, I only wish my camera took better macro shots.
All of
this was lovely but wait, even ore lovely things happened. Tom and
Nila also bought a rather large belated birthday gift in the form of a fabric covered magnet board. It is big and beautiful and made from a recycled side off a dead computer. Dad had even turned some magnet
handles, I'm very chuffed! I'm also very chuffed with some more post I got this weekend;
Daisie has sent me some foil to play with and try through the bug she also put in some jolly
Christmas bits which should galvanise me into some festive action! I also got a lovely bag of goodies from
Tip top to match some wool I've been knitting with. I shared nicely with
Nila and she has had a few bits fro the bag but the rest are all mine and I can't wait to play! Thanks girls!
The final piece of big news is that Simon, Tom and
Nila made jam with some foraged Blackberries and it's yummy!

Sounds like a lovely wood, glad you've had such a nice weekend.
Have fun with the foil and the bug!