Rag bag.
As some of you are already aware the farmers market has not exactly been my biggest money spinner to date
. It has, however, opened some other doors to me and last months market was no exception. A local lady and I have crossed paths on several occasions including the Embroiderers guild so I know her to be fellow fabric lover, she stopped to chat and said that she was always being given bits and bobs of fabric and might some of it be useful to me. (she now only has one hand as I bit the other one off!) I gave her my address but thought that I might not hear anything more as she is obviously a very busy person. Anyway, to cut a not very long story very short she dropped a card through my door and last week I popped 'round to her gorgeous house to collect a bag of goodies. There were quite a lot of fabric samples and some cut out patchwork and applique shapes and I decided to make a raggy bag.

I don't know if any of you are familiar with Fay Maxwell but I went on a residential course of hers a few years back and it was a hoot. She is very funny and relaxed and we made some ace bags using this heap it up, cover it up, sew it up, slash it up technique. The kids helped me with his little number and apart from a few bits from my stash it has been made entirely from freebies. I enjoyed it so much I'm sure some more of my haul will disappear in a similar style. I hope this will be the first of many home made Christmas gifts so if you are reading this and usually get a pressie from me feel free to register your interest or otherwise. My kind benefactor didn't want any money for my bag of goodies but she did give me details of a charity she is currently supporting. I am not at all holy, but this seems to be a church just trying to help people get through the practical difficulties of life in a war zone....without too much banging on about the big guy!
Oh yes, the big guy... but what exactly does Arnie Schwarzenegger have to do with church, eh?!