School uniform vs. contest!

Will was VERY exited yesterday to have his first day at school. He was really taken by the uniform and needed no nagging at all to get dressed and ready. Unfortunately whilst I was taking all his first day photos I had to work very hard to keep totally naked Anna out of shot! I have long known that Anna was the one who would try my patience the most (she is very like me) and it was Anna who got all upset when we dropped Will off and was waiting by the door when the time came to collect him. Will has had an ace couple of mornings and I was feeling all guilty about launching him into the whole wide world (I didn't really enjoy school) when I realised that any child who is dressed at 7.10am asking when he could go to school is actually fine. I know this is an awful cliche but I also remembered that there are so many places in the world where good education just isn't available and we are actually really lucky. (sorry-vomit-vomit!)


Gina said…
He looks lovely! Obviously harder for you than him!
Griffin said…
He looks very smart. She looks like trouble... heh, heh, heh!
JuliaB said…
Ahhh.. sweet!! Did he have a nice day?? x
Karen said…
Both my children loved going to school, it makes it so much less traumatic for them and you. he looks so cute!
Linda said…
What a handsome boy!! What a beautiful... streaker! LOL
My youngest is my "school" girl. The other 3 really did/do not like school, but my Boo... First year of HS for her this year, and she is STILL up and ready before me! LOL
Enjoy your time! School vacations will come soon! :)
Kate said…
I hated school, too, but it's different these days! (And there's nothing wrong with being Grateful for things! Best way I know to be happy!) xx

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