Hello Kitty Pouch...complete

I finished sewing this amazing litte pouchy pursey thing today and think it's a really cute design. It actually has SIX pockets inside and started off as a simple square. I'm sure I could make some with more embellishments, some embroidery, a strap, out of a patchworked piece, a smaller square with no stuffing, .......somebody stop me! I love it when things I make catch hold of me by the scruff of the neck and drag me back into the workroom and throw me into my fabric stash! I think this little beauty might go with Natashas' (4) birthday present with some pretty hair clips and a bead ring or two hiding inside.


Daisie said…
Just love it!
Purple and Paisley said…
wow - i love it, too! looks like origami...free pattern or did you purchase it?
jennyflowerblue said…
Thanks for your comments. The pattern was in a British magazine called Popular Patchwork. These are scarily easy to make and I have nearly finished another. I'm sure the design will be copyright but perhaps I could hand you on the magazine when I've finished with it, or if you would like I could make you one?

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