New ventures

I think this year is going to be really exciting. The main event will definitely be A Makey 'do' and yesterday saw the fist interview with someone who will be selling their wares. Niftyknits makes the most amazing knitted and crocheted creations and has a strong presence on Folky and Etsy. I'm really pleased with the way the event is shaping up, and am looking forward to doing the next interview. 
My other new venture is to dip my toe in the water of workshops. I had three lovely ladies 'round last night to see how an evening of brooch making might work. My idea is that I would do this as a kind of home selling party. Instead of going to a friends house and drinking too much wine and buying things that then arrive two weeks later and you having to smuggle them home and hide them because you said you weren't going to but anything........(just me?) guests would pay £5 each up front for a kit and instructions and could then relax and create. Again I don't want to make money from this as I am not a registered business it is just a jolly thing to do. 
I found it really easy to share my stash and didn't fret at all about what people used, I thought I might so that's good. What I found hardest? The fact these lovely three made brooches on their first attempt that I would be really proud of myself.......ahhhhhh.....the student out-brooches the master!

Anyway, I love the idea of the workshops, I would go if you lived near me! the brooches look wonderful!
Good luck
Twiggy x
Sally xx
Love Helen x