I think this is actually quite nice!

Do you remember that piece of embellishment I did with Will that looked like some sort of Dr Who costume? Here it is again, with french knots and beads and black velvet sashing and everything. And look now it has been joined by some glitzy log cabin work (my first attempt!) and it's own constellation of sparkly bits. The bag is lined with the shot metallic-ish fabric which I bought for £2 a fat quarter at New Year, hooray! The bag went together really well with a simple technique taught by Fay Maxwell on an embroiderers guild weekend I went on. I like this bag, but I have to say, I bloody hate Bondaweb (used to bond calico to add rigidity to the log cabin side) and I don't like velvet crawling up and away from itself when your trying to sew it. Anyway another one for the stand at the market.


Daisie said…
Mmmmmmmmm, I like, well done you!!
JuicyFig said…
The bag is fab - I gave up with slipery velvets, and although I can see the benefits of bondaweb, refuse to use the damn stuff!

just doing a catch up and wanted to say - age does not matter - sherbert dib dabs can always be considered one of your '5 a day'. tis the law.

Griffin said…
These look very couture dahling. Now if you could just do a pair of shoes and the dress to go with it...! I love the black and pink, and the other one just looks like it's asking to be stroked... ahem, but that may just be me... he said blushing!!!

Your other half is a very lucky man to have such a talented woman in his life... and you can tell him I said so... also a good reason to get him to wear the 'mad' trousers.

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