The farmer wants a....button ring?!

Well, today was the day. My first Farmers Market at Sandwich. It was not a rip roaring success. I covered my pitch and a tiny bit more but with four hours in the sunshine and lots of prep I was a little disappointed. The other stall holders were really friendly and assured me that regulars in our slightly reserved town would need to get used to me before they bought from me! It wasn't all bad though, Tracey came to keep me company for an hour (bringing cold Coke), Bev asked me if I would like to set up a pitch at her ladies pamper night, (yes please!) and I had a really nice lady selling jewelry next to me. We chatted and she said that a shop in Deal sold her necklaces and might be interested in my brooches and bags. I mentioned it to lovely supportive Simon (who had had the two children all morning) and he suggested we went over this afternoon. The lovely lady in the shop said she would take some knitted bags in the winter and she bought every brooch I had taken to show her straight off me....yippee. Taking the day as a whole I feel that I've made some progress. Not only have I got some more leads, and a really nice shop selling my stuff but I have learnt from todays stall and had some feedback and now feel really positive about next month.

Look out on Folksy and Etsy for things that I didn't sell today but am stll rather proud of!


Purple and Paisley said…
good job, jenny! the day sounds like a success to me and your simon is adorable...i'm so glad he's supportive of you...=)
Daisie said…
Glad the day was such a success, your very own items in a posh shop, you're on the road to big things! Congrats!
Daisie said…
You've been tagged!!
Daisie xxx
Griffin said…
Woohoo! So now you have a new jewellery friend in town and a shop to sell your stuff in... and a cute picture of you and the little one!

Hmm, methinks the crowd may have been a little shy, but once they get used to you... you'll have to make loads and loads of stuff!!
Lindsey said…
Well I'd say that was a pretty successful day really. Well done you. :o) The stall looks great as well.
What a fantastic day - that's so lovely that all your brooches were snapped up by the lady in the shop.

Someone I know locally who is a very seasoned stall holder at craft fairs says that some days she sells nearly everything and other days (with an almost identical display of things) she will sell virtually nothing - I think that may just be the way of those things, so hopefully you will sell lots of things at the next one.

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