Sorry, I know this is very self indulgent but it is my birthday! 32 today and still think that bums are funny and sherbet dib-dabs are an acceptable meal. I have been spoiled rotten by my lovely family and friends, just look! I had all these amazing home made cards, thanks Mum and Dad, Auntie Barbara, Nila, Tracey and Barbara. Simon, Grandpa and Rachel clubbed together to get me my Cuttle bug machine. (Simon refuses to call it this though and renames it something daft every time he refers to it...today it is a monkey punch?) Av and Cassandra from work gave me a voucher for Craft Central so die shopping on Monday! I had some gorgeous jewelry, fabric and paper from the Japanese shop and some ace books. The cute cake kit and the other crafting beauties are from Jen. Am so pleased with all my lovely things and really want to just sit and play and eat cake! I've booked a stall at the farmers market for the last Saturday of the month so can't get too distracted as I need to make sure I actually have something to sell. Hope you are having as nicer day as I am!


Purple and Paisley said…
happy birthday, my friend! sending hugs and marvelous wishes for a great day and year!!!!!
Karen said…
happy birthday!!!
Genie said…
Have a fun weekend
Cheers Jean
Lindsey said…
Happy Birthday. Monkey punch... lol!
Swirlyarts said…
Happy Birthday! It looks like you were spoilt :)
Daisie said…
Happy birthday to you, happy brthday to you..........you know how it goes!! Blimey, didn't think you were that old, haha!! I too love sherbert dib-dabs, haven't had one for years. I always got one on a saturday morning if I walked to the paper shop with my grandad (long time ago)!
Congrats on the bug, am green with envy!
Unknown said…
Happy Birthday Jenny,

I always preferred Double Dips myself, especially the orange side. Your cards and presents look fab and I can't wait to have a go on that die cutting machine when we come over in September (if you'll let me of course)!! love Nila
JuliaB said…
Happy Happy Birthday. Hope you have now had lots and lots of cake and even more treats. And thank you so much for your lovely messages over the past few days (I have been away so not a chance to reply yet) xxx
Anonymous said…
Happy Birthday!
thanks for your comment on my blog (www.kitschcraft.worpress.com)
I certainly am addicted to etsy....your blog is lovely!! i am off to have a good nose around!!
Sharon said…
Happy birthday! Enjoy the shopping!:)
Griffin said…
Arrgh, late again!!! Happy Birthday o amazing... and scarily young person!

I hope you had lots of cake, chocs and all other things that left you with a huge grin on your face and a need to lie down for three days!!
liz said…
Happy birthday, and since I can't make you a cake in time here is a link to some made by somebody else!
Tip Top said…
Very Happy Birthday to you (belated!) Found you via Daisie (she told me to visit you!)

Lots of lovely goodies there - it will all stop when you hit 33 and you just get socks n stuff. Not jealous at all, nope.

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