An award, how lovely! From the fab Daisy, (who's had a literally poo week so let's all cheer her up!) just to prove how lovely she is; when Daisy made me this award I had to mail her to ask her how to get it on my Blog and she didn't call me dumb ass or anything! I think I'm meant to now declare my undying love for five of my bestest Blogs ever (please someone tell me if I'm getting this all wrong!) Right her goes.....I love popping in to gasp at Karen's Contemporary Embroidery, gain inspiration from Incy Wincy, encouragement and more inspiration from Snapper and the Griffin, chuckle at the silliness of Ethel and Edna (and admire her softies), enjoy the down right niceness of Purple and Paisley (she's a bit lovely-mad too.....hurray!). That was really difficult! I have 48 blogs on my delicious list and I think some of them are just so totally perfect in every way that I just spy on their beautiful lives. Am I a pervert? So if you are on this list it is not because you aren't equally perfect and beautiful but maybe that you are just very friendly and approachable with it!
You have just made my day :o)
... Did you get my emails btw? About Etsy header images?
I've just emailed you again, so let me know if you get it/don't get it.
Only Joking,I really appreciate it, Karen
I love to see your work, which makes me want to have a go except that I make as good an embroiderer as I do a rocket scientist... sigh.
I also like incywincy too... oh, would I were that good! Sigh, back to the writing... I have novels to finish (ideally before the end of this century) and short stories and... on top of that I wish I could make costume and embroider and such. I salute you o embroidering one - if anyone should get an award it's you.