So you may be wondering why the frenetic creation of little fripperies. Well last night I hosted a fundraiser at Chez Chaos. (I have the hangover to prove it!) There is a local girl who has some problems with the formation of her oesophagus and she has problems eating or breathing or both. (That is as much detail as I can go into without risking ridicule from anyone who has the faintest clue about the bits needed to make a person!) Anyway the parents of this 2 year old sweetie spend a lot of time checking on her at night and it is obviously exhausting so they thought a blood-oxygen monitor would give them some relief and help them keep a check of their dear dot. This piece of kit costs about £1,000 and the local playgroup have helped them raise over £900 of this but I really wanted to help with the final push. My friend sells Phoenix cards so I booked her for a party 10% to go to the fund. I decided to sell wine and cake and sell some of my bits and bobs. Suddenly people started popping in with donations; raffle prizes and tickets and more cake than even I could eat. Will helped me make fridge cake, Palmieres and coffee and walnut sponge and I CLEANED MY HOUSE! (this was the hardest part of the whole thing. We had pre-orders for cards from everywhere and 11 people came to my tiny house and ate and drank and were merry. We raised over £100. I am so pleased, thanks guys.