I have been consumed by the course. I actually had to force myself to stop for lunch today- unheard of! Last weeks task was to produce samples of traditional quilting, finished and unfinished. I used some traditional patterns and followed instructions to return to good quilting habits- I tacked rather than safety pinned my layers and worked in a hoop rather than in the hand. I was really pleased with the result I will definitely be 'hooping' more in the future!

I also had to produce a sample using
Trapunto and Italian corded quilting. I used a complex
Celtic knot work pattern and it was quite time consuming to sew the channels for the wool. but I think if this was stretched properly it would look pretty ace. I also really like the back where the little loops of quilting wool show every inch or less. I have so many ideas about further samples, but to be honest doing these three took nearly a week! I did manage to get my first stitch samples done. Here is traditional running stitch. I will be working on a contemporary sample when I next get chance!
I am now working on some design tasks- all about line. I must admit to this terrifying me. I don't really know why but now I have got stuck in I cannot tear myself away.
I have some treasure from the knitting and stitching show to share next post, if I can put my pencils down for long enough!
Maybe do an image of a food basket...then you'll feel hungry enough to eat something!!
I can see why you love the course so much.
have a good day