Ladies in red
I couldn't get along to last months guild meeting, which is a crying shame. It was the branches' ruby anniversary and there was dressing up and cake and all sorts of fun and games. I also didn't get to see my lovely friend Sylvia who sent this fabulous bag for me. I gave Sylvia the dress I'd made for a friends 20's/30's fancy dress party, I thought it might be useful because she makes costumes for the local players and indeed Sylvia tells me that it was useful in a recent production, I honestly didn't expect a pressie, so it was a lovely surprise to have this handed on to me.
I made a biscornu as my small item. I have seen these intriguing little cushions around and about in various magazines etc. and fancied having a go. They are simply two identical sized squares which are sewn corner to mid-side to offset the shape and make a kind of humbug. They are really cute! The Floss Box has a tutorial patterns for sale and loads of free patterns to choose from.
I added beads to mine and could see it being used a diddy pin cushion. I hadn't done any cross-stitch for ages and it was nice to do some again- only one error- can you spot it?
The fabric postcard hasn't photographed very well but it is a felt base- put through the embellishing machine with a layer of red organza. I added flower cup red sequins, secured with french knots in a variegated stranded cotton and a scattering of chain stitch leaves as a foil to all the red. Edging it in green on the machine did cost me a needle when going over a sequin but it was worth it as I'm really pleased with the rich design. It has come out quite crunchy but if I was planning an extravagant wedding wouldn't a bodice in this look ace......but lets not get carried away!
Talking of getting carried away is anyone visiting the knitting and stitching show next week? I am going up on Sunday.
The lovely lady who usually gives me a lift to the meetings very kindly took along my entries into a competition which was being run, again to celebrate 40 years of our branch. The brief was to make a fabric postcard and/or a 'small object'. I made both. The entries were voted on by fellow members and I was lucky enough to win this fabulous book for my fabric postcard;
I have a list of little tasks to complete as part of my City and Guilds studies which began this week. My little fuzzy head is buzzing with ideas and when Simon has finished lesson planning at the dining room table I am all over that baby quilting away and sampling to my hearts content!
...Somehow I don't think Scarlet Women would have gone down too well, but I like the thought of a scarlet woman.
Extravagant wedding?...hmm, I wonder who's got one of those coming up...!! ;) Well that's the bodice sorted, now for the skirts!