A mirage, that's what this is. Of course I haven't been shopping, honestly, the very thought. What's that you say...you can smell the wool? I know proper wool does have a particularly warm and comforting scent, but I suggest that it is just suggestion, a mirage of aroma of you will. So I am in denial I didn't follow the link from
Tabiboo, I didn't get all carried away in the
clearance section. I didn't receive a divine package this morning and didn't spend a
ridiculous amount of time holding the hanks against my face. I didn't, I didn't I tell you...and if I had then at least one skein could go in with a spring swap I'm putting together, and another would be a lovely valentines pressie for my Mum, and and maybe the rest would be for ME. Yes me, excuse me now I am off to chuckle into my soft skeins in a slightly
maniacall manner- I'm sure you'll understand. x
Gorgeous colours too. Tell the judge, Bob told you to do it... or is that God? I always get those two mixed up...!