I have realised that the time has come for this old girl to get some help..some help in actually seeing what the hell I'm doing. As I am off to do some beading after Easter I can't bear the thought of having to pack up when the sun goes down. I also feel I would have made more progress on this weeks project if I could have continued on it once the kids were in bed!

So far I have been SO good about working on my part-finished projects but I now have four things queuing up for when I can extend my list again. A friend is thirty in a couple of months and he is planning a vintage party so I have to get myself
frocked up. I am fully aware that I do not have the legs or the flat chest for a flapper dress but have found this pattern from

I am really impressed with the historical information that comes in the pack, the quality of the pattern paper and the price of the pattern itself. I will be fabric shopping tomorrow, I need quite a lot of fabric and
I'll be looking for something nice and
drapey. In my teens I had my colours 'read' -yes I grew up in the 80/90s - I am an Autumn so will be looking for something in copper, rust or teal and may do some embroidery on the over dress if time allows. I know the 20's saw a strong eastern influence and I have a brilliant iron on dragon transfer which I would love to work. First things first though I will need to see if I can make something I am prepared to be seen out in!
Have fun fabric shopping,
Nina xxxxx
So once you've had a go at this one... you could do a medieval dress and look like the Lady of Shalott!
Pomona x