Hmmm, now where is she going with this one aye? Well (apart from probably having just identified myself as some variety of psychopath- referring to myself in the third person!) I am on about preferences. You know what I mean
Marmite, Maggie Thatcher, Pit Bulls things that evoke strong reactions.....but of course anything can. My boy Will will eat anything; any flavour of Hula Hoops and type of yellow hard cheese, any perfect red seedless grape, most
Wheetos, yep that's about the sum of his nutritional range...well not quite but you get my drift. Is anyone able to explain to me why then in the last week he has
shclucked raw oysters, eaten mussels and sneakily sipped vintage cider- declaring it all 'yummy!'. So is he just painfully middle class? Contrary? Just plan weird? Maybe he just genuinely likes the flavours, the experience, the proving us wrong, I don't really care, good for him!

On the same theme I bought a massive bag of vintage/retro/dated/old fashioned/musty (delete as per you preference) fabric at the last embroiderers guild bring and buy. Thank goodness someone didn't bin it because to's raw oysters.
Thank you for visiting my blog, I'm really looking forward to the "do" in Sandwich - it'll be great. Love your blog, your work is brill!
Mmmmm I love fresh oysters too!