Present company
It has been a busy old week, and I feel a little washed out. I had my first craft fair since the farmers markets last summer and I was a bit nervous. It was a small affair at a little local school, and just two hours, I was next to a good friend and knew that Nifty would be there. All lovely, so why the nerves? Maybe because I felt it was a bit of a dry run for the Makey do, maybe because my Folksy shop has been dead for months.....maybe just one of those moments of self doubt that hit from time-to-time. Whatever the reason I found it a bit hard. I did sell some brooches, clips and a bag. I gave a free button ring with each purchase which made my stall very popular with children with a couple of pounds to spend. I think this will be my focus for the next fair, lots of pink, lots of lower value items. Somehow though, I'm not feeling the love from the paying public.

I am, however feeling the bloggy love and received this dear little pink parcel the other day. It contained this beautiful tin, which held this gorgeous ceramic button. It is very special and may be something that I use in something made just for me. I think that might be what I need.
So a little sigh and some big thanks to Poppy cottage, you are very kind.
The makey do will be brilliant and I am gutted that I can't join you, this was in no way a dry run!
Keep smiling (and selling) xxx
Colette x
All will be grand! ;0 x
Don't be down. The little brooch in the previous post is gorgeous.
twiggy x