Blogversery patch swap
I hope you all had an amazing festive season and are starting the New Year well and happy. We had a great time with Mum and Dad in Dorset, everyone had lovely presents and Santa came so he must have thought the children were better behaved than I did! Despite there being one more day of this year I am already getting excited about the crafting possibilities of next year and as I have been keeping my Blog for nearly a whole year I thought I would start 2009 with a swap/round robin type affair.
So for all of you who feel like an angel hemmed in by chaos,
Anyone who enjoys working with others, (and keeps in the lines!)
For anyone who has the patience to piece the tiny bits together for the whole effect
For anyone who wants to get that Christmas feeling all over again........I propose a swap/round robin thing. Please leave a comment below if you'd be interested, it would be a fabric type swap which I think would leave everyone with a variety of squares to do with as they wish; cushion cover, bag, wall hanging etc?
Your house looks just like mine, except your telly is bigger (don't tell Si) hahahaha! I love christmas stuff everywhere and happy children. It's not until about a week later when I have a panic wondering where on earth I'm going to put it all!!
Happy New Year to you all!
All the best for 2009
Sara x