Seasonal silliness
We didn't really 'do' Halloween as children. The thought of knocking on doors demanding presents is just.......'vulgar' to me! However I am starting to get more of a feel for seasonal celebrations, I went to church as a child and have to say I do miss the structure to the year that all of that gave. But of course most Christian festivals cunningly coincide with much older festivals and these are the ones I am trying to get my family back in touch with. So last night, yes I know a bit late, we had our autumn type celebration. We made a lovely cake, carved the pumpkin, made cardboard spiders, found out the spooky Playmobil, dressed up (thanks Gina!), ate pizza, and drank wine! Mum and Dad are staying and we had sch a lovely time. We didn't get one request for treats ourselves and no eggs thrown at the door, so plenty of fun size for me!

In other autumnal news I knocked myself up some mohair wrist warmers whilst lying on the sofa feeling sorry for myself. They could do with some shaping but I'm happy with them . I did have to line them as the wool was very itchy on my delicate wristeys, (what a wuss!) I knitted them on ordinary needles and it did cross my mind that they would be much more elegant knitted in the round. Mum bought some double-ended needles with her and got me knitting on them. It felt a bit awkward but I think if the need arose I could mange it. Will have a play with some circular needles next to see how that works. We came up with a new scarf idea while we were playing watch this space for the next big innovation in wool craft........
Are we the only sad people up at this unnatural hour on a Sunday morning...?
I know what you mean about the church festivals, I keep thinking I should get back into church for that reason (amongst others) I was remebering harvest suppers we went to as children.
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