Right old mish-mash!

Altered life gave me this lovely award a while back and I have been a bit (!) rubbish about spreading the joy. The reason for this has been the rules of the tag; that it should be passed to four regular readers from this country and one new one from abroad......I have no idea how to find out who might be a regular reader except for if they comment and I'm not aware of any new people from another country. So if this might be you please comment and you can take the award with my pleasure and thanks. Back to altered life, if you are planning any angel projects for the season I can strongly recommend a visit as she has done all sorts of lovely things along this theme. I have recently set up a jennyflowerblue facebook page if anyone might be interested in having a look, not much different from here but a few silly discussions and details of local events. I guess some of you may be on facebook as real people and it would also be lovely to 'meet you' that way too. Thanks to Marmalade kiss for the tip off on that one and her super clear idiots guide! More exciting goings on in that Dogdaisychain is having a giveaway/cuff
survey on her Blog, her cuffs are.....no divine really is the only word for it no matter how that might make me sound, please just imagine me clasping my hands and looking heavenward in an ironical manner! I don't really want you to enter because I really want to win but she is so lovely she deserves support. Finally now I have have a good brain clear out with all that lets get down to the makey......this scarf has been knitted out of strips of old T-shirts which I have been saving for ages. I am thrilled with the colours and the knotty ends. The texture is, in truth, a little heavy for a scarf (who'd have guessed essentially wearing five extra t-shirts 'round your neck would be heavy!) so next time I will cut the strips to 1cm rather than 1 " and use the same needles but I think it would be perfect in different dimensions for a bath mat or in one of those knitted tray type affairs. Have you ever knitted fabric strips....how was it for you?
The scarf looks great and would make a brilliant little rug or wall hanging.
I've just realised that I am going to have to deal with the guilt of announcing only one winner..Oh Dear!
The t shirts are a great idea. are they too heavy for bags?
Oh maybe a bit too heavy?
If you could make a broader one, you could make a shawl to cover you while watching ther telly or indeed while you are knitting the kids together...!