Fair enough
Don't worry, it's safe to read on! I'm feeling a lot more positive now, thank you for all your outraged comments, the made me feel a lot better. I have definitely decided that I will be trying to organise at least one local craft fair next year. I thought that if any of you guys wanted to send a box of stuff perhaps we could come to some arrangement over commission? I'll think more about how it might work but maybe let me know if you might consider this. I'd like to hold an event with workshops perhaps or certainly some supplies as well as finished items. If anyone has any experience and any tips I'd be grateful.
I have really enjoyed listing some bits and bobs on Folksy, I worked out that I could list 40 items for the same price as my cancelled craft fair pitch so that is my target and I have already had a sale. I am particularly going all out on hair accessories for the festive season, Simon has insisted on buying some from me for my stocking as I hardly ever wear the stuff I make and he thinks it's a shame.........aaaawwwww...isn't he cute?
(he might feel differently when he realises how grey my hair actually is when you can see the sides!)
I've also been listing on E-bay, I have been collecting 'Embroidery' magazine for some time now and have accrued some duplicates. I have listed several batches in the hope that someone else might find them as fascinating as me! If you decide to bid and win, leave me a message that you have come from the blog and I'll put something extra in the package. (something nice obviously not the gas bill or anything like that!)
Good luck!