Knitting and Spending show
Well it was hot, sweaty, knackering, and expensive but by golly it felt g-o-o-d! This was how my treasure looked when I laid it all out on the footstool for Simon's approval (he pulled-'where exactly are you going to keep all that?!' faces.) But really it's not too it? I have started with the brooch making already, who could resist, the wool is ace! This is the first year that I have been to the show and felt the balance was more in favor of knitting than stitching. All the favourite traders were there but in terms of 'new and exciting' for me the wool and the beads had it.
There is much more to show you, so many more treasures and ideas lurking in that pile of fluff. I'm sure it will keep me going until next year. I hope then to get back to Harrogate. I just felt the gradate displays had more room there and I got more inspiration from that. Meet you there next year then?
Next year let's make it a date!!