I bought some tiny squares of marbled fabric at the knitting and stitching show eighteen months ago and decided the other day that it was time to stitch them together. I didn't want to loose any fabric so made the seams a feature and hand stitched as the squares are so small. One I had a strip I decided to applique it onto some nice wool fabric which had arrived in a donated fabric stash. Also in the bag was a blue cord skirt- great for a lining and I worked on the hem which I had cut off to neaten it up for straps.

I wanted to add a flap to the bag for some weather proofing and security. I used reverse applique to make the flap, again using material I'd been given and also a large crochet flower I made ages ago. This has certainly been a stash buster, and apart from those squares, which I think were £2.50 ish I haven't spent a bean making it

Working on the course has been a great discipline, but it is nice to fiddle about for no good reason and see what I can come up with. Back to the real work now, I have a pomegranate awaiting sketching and the next stitch sample is French knots and Bullion knots- beurgh! xxx