I just had a quick glance back over my recent posts and have realised I haven't shown you any of my City and Guilds 'work' for ages- how very remiss of me! I have been keeping up the pace with some traditional pattern darning, and some contemporary which I will show next time.

I have used the machine in ways I never dreamed possible to applique a large area with fabric snippets. I hate
Bondaweb so the realisation that I could still achieve a quick and free background into which I could stitch and embellish was really liberating!
I also completed an exercise sewing lines of long stitches across a piece of fabric then having fun weaving between and around them. What a quick and even decorative edging this would make to a cuff or around the hem of some trousers for Anna!

I showed you some samples of running stitch last time, but was challenged by one of my tutors to really let loose and allow my stitching to distort the fabric. I have made a tiny
Kantha before but wanted this to be even more extreme so worked from all angles. I have so many ideas I'd like to pursue, and it's good to keep the momentum going. This week I am playing with shadow work, and completing some more design exercises on line. I am also mucking about with blanket stitch to try to get some more interesting samples together.
Oooo look, I've just scrolled down and found this little photo of some Assisi work- sort of reverse cross stitch- filling in the negative space. Honestly I have produced so many samples in just a few short weeks- goodness knows how much will have by the time assessment comes around! Still I am keeping it all neatly filled- and am looking forward to
utilising it in some practical way when it's all finished with
A x