Flying visit
We've been aw
ay, come home, and are off again tomorrow so this is a picture-packed flying visit post just to say 'Hi'. We ended up lasting three nights
camping before bailing out and house sitting for Mum and Dad. The New Forest was gorgeous as ever but this was our first proper go at a camping holiday and we learnt A LOT! Dorset was much more relaxed and the children were much easier to entertain in a house with a garden and a little shop just up the road, and toilets they could take themselves t
o and frankly add to that the bonus of not having your flapjacks pinched by the wildlife and you can see why we opted for a two centre break! I returned home to find three parcel cards from the post office and was sooooo excited to see that one was from
the U.S. My seaside swap has arrived from Wanda and it is brilliant. The children 'helped' to unpack it (please excuse Wills' lack of clothing!) and h
ave really enjoyed sampling the American chocolate. I was thrilled to see so much lovely yarn, the cute strawberry bag, the stitch mar
kers, knitting needles, charm chain, kits, much loveliness! Thanks to Wanda and to Contented for hosting. The other parcels were from Search Press. They have added me to a book reviewer mailing list which is just ace. I received three recent releases and will be reading them and giving you all my honest opinion and showing you what I make from them. There is one on making a kind of crazy patchwork using water soluble stabiliser- which may be useful for creating something for an exciting new watery project which I am musing upon. The other two are on ribbon embroidery and are very beautiful. I am really interested in exploring the technique
s described and seeing where that goes. Once reviewed I can use the books for giveaways here so as far as I can see every one's a winner!
Finally I have something to show crochet! I took a brilliant book on fabric jewelery four hooks and two balls of wool away with me and practised my chain stitch whilst camping. With better light at Mum and Dads I managed some flowers. I really enjoyed
the rhythm and made sure I'd spent some time learning how to hold the wool to get the tension even. We passed through a boot fair in Dorchester on Sunday and there was a pocket guide to crochet for just 20p! I made a bigger flower from this and then raided Mums wool stash for some ribbon yarn to make a choker. I am hoping to pick up some matching beads and some gold coloured findings to hang from the choker while we are in York- which is our next stop.
Pomona x
Have fun in York, don't forget Dutton's!!