Whistle while you work

The Makey do is nearing and I am trying to pull all the threads together. I am making sure all the event organisation is progressing, trying to keep the blog fresh and making my own stock. I am enjoying myself but with a wedding tomorrow for which I have done the stationary and favours and Annas birthday next Friday for which I have done nothing. I am feeling a little........stretched. Soon though I know it will all be over and I shall miss the excitement and all the lovely post. For now though I have nails to paint, cakes to bake and hair accessories to make. Come back soon for a giveaway.


Swirlyarts said…
I need to order some hair bobbles from you but I will wait until the fair is over - don't want to add more to your plate!!
Daisie said…
Have a wonderful day tomorrow with your newly painted nails and wonderful new shoes!

Do you know what would make a great giveaway prize? A goodie bag from the makey do!!!!!!

Karen said…
Well I know how stretched I am feeling and you must have that tenfold. I am thinking of you working so hard, no point telling you to take it easy because I know you won't! (or can't!)
JuliaB said…
sounds very busy indeed! hope you let your hair down at the wedding! x
Gwen said…
Every time I read your blog I wish I lived in Sandwich! Alas, I'll have to win the lottery AND get a passport... Here's hoping!
wonderwoman said…
hope you had a lovely day, you sound as if you needed one!

Anonymous said…
Hello old girl - was wondering how you were coping obviously as you are a superwoman then you can take it all in your stride....to find more time you could shut the kids in the shed it's always an option....just think about it! best wishes Sam

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