ticked off too. Yep this week has been a humdinger for the ol' City and Guilds. My 'form' design unit has been signed off, as has colour, machine quilting, machine drawn/pulled work and insertion stitches; Go Me!

Form was a really interesting module, the top picture shows my resolved piece which was a kind of paper/straw/elastic sculpture affair. There were plenty of exercises about taking a shape from 2D to 3D and back again. These patterns and designs come from one of these.

I do like a nice collage, I think it's the excuse to browse all Simon's old National Geographic's.

All in all this has been my most successful design unit yet. I just have 'Shape' to complete and that will be the whole design section done. The drive to get this finished comes ever stronger as exciting changes are afoot and with any luck we are headed for a busy few months, please cross your fingers, thank you. x