So it's official- my new title. I am loving it, though I wonder if they'll be able to fit it on all my documents. The humble peasant here is
Trash. The whole idea of the kitsch swap was to go nuts with the silly. I knew I could rely on Trash.

This fabulous Dorset jigsaw has a hidden message on the back- I'm not showing you- it's secret!

There was loads of treasure- all wrapped and captioned/illustrated (seriously!). Those puppies are ready to protect me from splashes and spills in the kitchen- a puppy pinny- to protect my puppies- how cool? I also have a new notebook, with guards, some shiny cocktail umbrellas, a pretty wooden heart, a frog shower cap, some Dorset soap and fairy scissors- for trimming fairies.

Look at these hand made lovelies. You know when you see something hand made and it makes you almost weep? 'Live well, craft often'- yep that's a motto I can live by.

This fabric is FanTabulous. I'd like a nightie in this, that should repel unwelcome advances and allow me more crafting time.
Thanks Trash, really thanks a million- minion!