Hey, how ya doin'? I would be even better if Blogger would upload all three of my photos not just this one! These are a glimpse of my fringing samples. Can you see the four way spilt plait knotted number? That was hardcore fringing. It was just like lace making actually, and I did get into a similar rhythm and apparently knotted fringing was indeed the fore runner to bobbin lace- cool. I haven't made lace since I was a teen and wouldn't mind having another crack at it but hey I think I have enough on my plate right now. I am seriously giving the C&G my all at the moment. I'm not even breaking to watch all of Bargain Hunt- I mean this is commitment! It is very satisfying to watch things slowly getting ticked off my course list but I admit to getting a bit jittery about how much is still left to achieve. With the kids and Simon about to break for the Easter holiday things will have to go on hold for a couple of weeks. Perhaps I can get back to it a bit more zen after that.
Have a fantastic Easter all, hope the bunny brings you some springy sunshine and stuff.
I too used to make lace years ago! Mainly torchon but I still have pillows and bobbins somewhere!