Gosh haven't I been quiet lately? I haven't actually been quiet, I've been yapping away nineteen to the dozen with my pals. There seem to be some pretty dark times going on around here. Some gnarly horrid stuff and some trials of modern living. The big drugs company which is sited here and at which Simon worked up until taking
VR, is closing, all but completely. This has meant a stressful time for friends who are having to sell up and relocate. Thankfully they are clever people and all seem to have found alternative employment but I think the knock on effect for the local economy might be harder to recover from. It has also changed the demographic of our tiny medieval town much more in favour of the wealthy retired weekender. Anyway if am looking for silver linings it comes in the benefits f friends clear-outs. I am better off by four pieces of
Thai silk and the offer of the contents of a drinks cabinet....but poorer soon by a nearby friend- at least I can drown my sorrows in style! So sorry to offload, but things change don't they and my constant refuge is in creating. The rather bright sample is for the city and guilds. It is a padded piece, sewn with lines using the twin-needle in the machine. These lines are then drawn together in a pattern to give these diamond pockets. It is referred to as mock smocking and I rather like it.

The cauliflower is really interesting, well to me anyway! I am starting to work on my experimental pieces for
assessment. I bought this
Romanesque cauli as I love it's texture and recognised it's structure as probably being one that fits the universal formula of natural objects. I vaguely knew that shells, snails, ammonites all obeyed the same ratio, I vaguely thought there was something about fir cones in there too. Who knew that my research would have me returning to the graph paper and lying in bed working out if numbers followed any patterns. Basically it all comes back to the Fibonacci series of numbers and the golden spiral. It started here, yesterday I was blowing my mind with talk of Fractals. I wasn't bad at maths at school and I am finding this really exciting. (I don't blame you if you unsubscribe to this blog now you know I'm a whinging geek!) I ave no idea where my other experimental pieces will take me, my Pomegranate studies are mostly historical for now, and the work on conkers perhaps Psychological about protection and concealment. All I know is that whatever school subjects my studies return me to it is very unlikely I will be suddenly all
wistful for P.E!
A x
I can see the attraction though, good luck.
Sorry to hear about the loss of friends, but thanks to letters and emails... they aren't totally lost.
Karen I'm with you. You take Bullingdon Bertie and I'll take Gentleman George...it's frying pans at dawn... well maybe a bit later, cos dawn is a bit early for me!! We're all in it together, but some of us are more in it than others!