I wish I was left-handed, no really I do. This book; ‘The left handed embroiderer’s companion’ by Yvette Stanton is a BRILLIANT stitch dictionary. The illustrations are crystal clear and interspersed with peeks of contemporary embroidery illustrating the stitches. The nicest bit is that although the book is all laid out for the much neglected left hander the book is inclusive with a note and illustration with each section to tell how a right hander would work the stitch. How magnanimous, no really I am pathetically grateful that I can keep this book in my collection and go bonkers trying out the hundreds of different stitches. I reckon this book is a must for every teacher of stitching and every left handed sewer and ……yes actually anyone who owns a needle and thread and might one day feel like picking them up. If I am ever on
Oh, and soft back, made me laugh out loud (as they say), will make Simon ask for a soft back book in Waterstones and see what happens :-)
Thank you for your lovely review of my book.
You're not the first right-handed person to wish that they were left-handed because of this book! But I have a solution to that. I am currently working on "The Right-Handed Embroiderer's Companion" to even things up and keep all you right-handers happy. :-)
Thanks again for saying such nice things about my book. Most appreciated!