The tutor for my Embroiderers Guild weekend was Heidi Jenkins. Heidi has four main string to her textiles bow but this weekend was all about the beads. Heidi uses mostly geometric shapes to form some really striking jewellery pieces, book covers and box tops. The project for the weekend was the triangle necklace- the original has forty two triangles and a beaded strap and closure at the back. It took me most of Friday to make two interlocking triangles so I realised that a whole necklace would be beyond me in one weekend!

I made five over the course of the three days and made other projects in between to stop me going mad(
der). The first after the triangles were what Heidi calls a twigs and leaves pattern which I made in a bunch of five for some
earrings. These were really cute and I can see myself using this technique again.

Next were the leaves, the original had much more form to them as Heidi used a larger seed bead on the outside edge and also added veins to the inside. I want try making an interwoven version of these too.

Finally I made the very Deco blue numbers, and by the last day my speed and tension were a bit better. All of these used
Delica beads and
brick stitch, except the twiggy leafy numbers.It has made me want to search out my beading books, but
unfortunately it has also made me want to shop for some more colours in
Delica! For now I will limit myself to adding some velvet ribbon to the triangles to make a choker....promise!
Nina x
The beadwork is lovely - you are a clever lady. Sadly I lack the patience for such intricate work!!
Hope you are enjoying the hols!