Yo-Yo Quilting contains 27 projects which contain yo-yo’s or ‘Suffolk puffs’. There are instructions and templates for making these gathered circles and for joining them, Then the book starts on the projects each page is in colour with large photographs and step-by-step instructions. The majority of projects have a seasonal feel with Christmas decorations, place mats and characters. There are also ideas for home, quilts and more toys. I am a bit of a yo-yo fan and have the clover templates to make sewing them super easy, I had a go at making a yo-yo Christmas tree decoration which came together well. There are a good few other ideas in the book which I would have a bash at, I like the idea of making a quilt incorporating yo-yos and the yo-yo noughts and crosses board might be handy to keep in the car for travel play. There were some projects which appealed less, I am not a big fan of yo-yo legged toys, but I think that might just be down to the scary clown I had as a child! If you are already a yo-yo fan this book might allow you to stretch their application, if you are new to the technique I would have a flick through the book first to make sure there’s enough that appeals before you jump in but then at £6.99 it’s not too much of a risk.

I am offering the book as a give away to the first commenter who fancies it.
I will be posting very soon with photos of my first samples for my City and Guilds which I am totally absorbed by. It literally is my first thought in the morning and last thing at night. It has kept me going through a pretty grim week, for which I am very grateful. I will also need to show you the treasure I bring back from Ally Pally (just to cleanse my soul-you know how it is!?)
I really like the Christmas tree, might be a way to us up some fabric!
C & G, you lucky thing, glad your enjoying it.
Puppies are total time wasters!!