I am very conscious that this blog has been a little neglected of late. I wonder if it is simply a reflection on how much making I am doing at the moment, on how much 'space' there has been for fun. It should all get a little easier from here on in. After a pretty tense year starting with Simon taking voluntary redundancy, he has now been officially assessed as on 'outstanding' teacher and he can now look forward to his N.Q.T (newly qualified teacher) year at the school in which he has done his training. I am so bloody proud, I'm not sure I can express here in words just how bloody proud. I know a few of you are teachers yourselves and will know just what a huge amount of work is involved in being a teacher. Simon has spent every Sunday writing lesson plans and working on his portfolio of evidence. Recently it has been Saturdays too. I would say he also works five out of seven evenings and is still at it when I go to bed. This has not been an easy year for anyone in the house, but honestly I take my hat off to anyone who teaches, I know things will get marginally easier next year, but still this job is no easy ride. (nice for this to be recognised with a three year pay freeze, but I know we are by no means alone in feeling this particular pinch!)
My favourite teacher was an English teacher and if it wasn't for her, I would be a writer at all. Other teachers inspired in me a love of literature, art and French poetry among other things.
Teachers don't stop when school stops either, they have to plan and they have a lot of bureaucracy to deal with. Yet - a talented teacher matters much more than much of the admin nonsense they have to deal with. So hurrah for Simon and may he be the inspiration for many future scientists.
Well done Mr. Flower :-)