Coo-eee I'm back

Well the computer is back and I can return to my little on line world- what a relief! I have been up to all sorts, firstly I couldn't resist making up some more little hair accessories- honestly Anna and I will have to start sporting elaborate high piled up dos to get all the hair clips I've made a regular outing!

I wasn't completely undisciplined though and did do some more work on the quilt, I have no idea how my maths will work out for this one, I seem to have a million triangles and no fabric left for the other blocks, I'm sure it will all come out in the wash.
Finally I put together a mobile from the felt balls and dreads I made on my day course, I added some felt shapes, beads and bells. I really like this and if I was still selling I might have been tempted to make more. Who knows though, maybe I will get chance to make another as part of my City and Guilds course. I'm seeing little embroidered origami shapes and all sorts!
I have received a big box of books to review from Search so will start doing a regular Wednesday review again, friendship bracelets will be first. I did wonder whether people might be up for a friendship bracelet swap? Something very simple and inexpensive to post but something to remind us of our on line pals? Let me know what you think.

It's lovely to be back. xxx


Lyn said…
Welcome back!
I think a friendship bracelet swap is an excellent idea!
wonderwoman said…
what fun - haven't made one for years!! Love the mobile!
Daisie said…
Love the felty mobilie doo-dah very muchly indeed!
Why you not selling anymore? Am I being really thick and have missed something?!
Faeryfay said…
I love your hair clips! Beautiful!
HeARTworks said…
I really like the mobile! Patsy from

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