Terrific Terri
I have this friend called Terri, she is a real friend, I am not imagining her or making her up. Just to help me prove this to my family and people who I have actually met Teri sent me what she calls a friendship parcel- I call it a 'blomingreatbigfatginormousboxoftreatslikewhatagoodlttlecraftermightgetforChristmasorsomesuc-hotherspecialoccasion' Here follow some (!) pictures; 
These potholders are gorgeous too and technically baffling!
I should have added something for scale- this is a darling little square- coming soon to a brooch near- well me actually!
This pile of fluffy, felty, loveliness, in just my colours, is to embellish an indigo zip up felt purse which also came along for the ride- I'm thinking a paisley shape in honour of Terri.
No one was left out, the children each received T-shirts, colouring books, stickers, magic pens and crayons- (which is what is buying me the time to write this post!) but absolutely no prizes for guessing what Anna played with first;
tell the kids that the t-shirts i sent? i'm from illinois and our college teams (football, basketball) are the 'fighting illini'...
you're a wonderful friend, jenny...you'll never know how much i appreciate that...☺♥
Happy playing,
Nina x
twiggy x